Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? Full Movie

Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? Full Movie Rating: 4,9/5 1743reviews
  1. Gun Review: Glock 26 Gen4 9mm Legendary Safe Action subcompact enhanced with lightning-fast Firefly night sight!
  2. Actually it was supposed to be a Walther ppk in 380 but they used a Walther PP instead (for the first and I think part of the second movie). There is a Walther pp.

Gun Review: Double. Tap Tactical Pocket Pistol. By Jeremy S. It seems like we’ve been waiting years for this little piece of presumed- to- be vaporware.

Is That A Gun In Your Pocket? Full Movie

“On an average Los Angeles day, a couple on the verge of divorce and a bullied teenager find their lives desperately changed when the boy’s illegal gun goes off.”. A Necessary Comparison: The last review I sent TTAG’s way was for the Taurus TCP, a.380 ACP mouse gun. It holds 6+1 rounds and weighs 10.2 ounces empty and 12.25. Guns and Gun Control; The Right; Feature; July 17-24, 2017, Issue; Gun Sales Are Plummeting and Trump Wants to Help Gun Sales Are Plummeting and Trump Wants to Help.

After a falling out (and with an ongoing lawsuit) with Heizer, the company that was originally going to manufacture Ray Kohout’s unique derringer, this gun is now being made by Kohout’s own Double. Tap Defense, LLC (which is on Earth, as you can clearly see on the pistol’s frame). They call it a “tactical pocket pistol,” and while I maintain that’s an oxymoron, I did think it was interesting enough to plunk down $4. The Double. Tap’s primary selling point is its extreme thinness. At only 0. 6. 65” wide – just over 5/8” – it’s definitely svelte. To put this in perspective, the rim of a . ACP round is . 4.

DT is the 9mm version, it’s also available in and easily swappable to . The gun’s dimensions, in either caliber, don’t change. Also contributing to comfortable pocket carry is its diminutive length (5. You can attach a lanyard to the pin in the back of the grip, too, if you want to be sure to keep tabs on it at all times. Barrels are stainless steel and the frame is available in either CNC milled aluminum or titanium, which Double. Tap says is “designed more for the hard core military type end user.” Tipping the scales at 1.

Those weights are for the . ACP version with ported barrels, and it turns out it weighs less in . The laws of physics being what they are, less steel = less weight.

My scale, which I just checked and confirmed for accuracy, gave me a reading of 1. The Double. Tap’s machining is extremely nice. It’s clean and precise and the MIL- STD anodizing is flawless. For fit and finish this gun definitely ratess top marks.

Field stripping is as easy as pushing out the front pivot pin and pulling the barrels off of the frame. This is actually as far as you can disassemble the Double. Tap. The owner’s manual makes it very clear that there are no user- serviceable parts inside of the gun and that you shouldn’t so much as touch the bolts that hold the two clamshell halves of the frame together. Any attempt to remove, or merely adjust, these screws could result in damage to them and to the Pistol itself.” I’m sure some folks will be happy about this – a nice, sealed unit that doesn’t require any maintenance – and some folks will not like the fact that it can’t be detail stripped without voiding the warranty.

Here’s a little PSA video and an explanation of why you don’t have the right tool to mess with those bolts, anyway: At a couple of ounces over 1. Double. Tap’s trigger takes the title for heaviest pull weight in my safe. DT says the trigger rides on roller bearings and, yeah, it’s semi- smooth considering the travel distance and weight.

It moves most of the way with about 6 pounds of force, stops hard, creeps just a touch, then breaks when you squeeze past 1. Showtime Full Offspring Online Free more. I actually have no problem with this pull weight. I think if I were to rate guns most likely to be carried in a pocket without a holster covering the trigger guard, this one’s probably right up there at the top of the list. It may be prudent to keep it nice and heavy, and it’s not going to stop you from squeezing off both rounds when you’re determined to do so. It’s a true double action trigger so it will continue cocking and releasing the hammers over and over and over again as long as you keep pulling. DT says there are only four major components in the trigger system, and I do like that simplicity.

Pull back on the ambidextrous barrel release latch with your thumb, and the barrels flip up under spring tension. That’s how you extract spent rounds. At first, I was grabbing the empties with my finger nails and pulling them out, but if you turn the pistol upside down and give it a shake they’ll usually fall free. Two spares fit in the butt of the pistol on an included stripper clip, so pull those guys out, pop ‘em in the chambers, push on the top to click the barrels back down onto the frame, and you’re back in business. Also included in the box is a 6- round stripper clip, which fits sleekly into a pocket.

Double. Tap says this is for carrying spare rounds but not for feeding them into the gun directly, whereas the 2- rounder can be used for that purpose. The front sight is a tiny nub machined as part of the barrels, and the rear sight is a groove or trench machined into the frame. The sights are really small and the front is hard to see. Obviously this isn’t a target pistol and is designed more for contact ranges. No real surprise there.

Being able to swap out the barrels out so easily, though, does leave the door open for some different options. Eight- inch target barrels with an accessory rail on top (or target style sights w/ the rear on the barrel)? Something in . 2. LR or WMR, perhaps? Why not? Also worth noting here is that, from what I can tell, the proper sight picture is more like a shotgun than a typical pistol. If you tilt the front down to where you’re actually looking through the rear notch, the front sight is long gone. It has to hover there exactly on top of the rear notches, which means you’re looking down the top strap of the gun.

Just like a shotgun, if you can actually see the rib, then your eye is too high, and if you start to obscure the front sight with the back of the gun, your eye is too low. Not easy to photograph, but something like this: First Impressions: I carried the Double. Tap in a Remora holster (the one I purchased for my Beretta Nano) for a few days, both IWB and in a pocket.

As you might expect, it carries and conceals extremely easily. It’s thin, it’s light, the butt of the grip is rounded…pretty much what you’d expect.

However, I was surprised when I shot it for the first time. HOLY COW does this thing kick! Shooting light- loaded 1. Magnum from my Ruger Blackhawk with the hard wood grips on it. Only the Double. Tap is less ergonomic. Although the website says “1.

Some of it is that awesome thinness, which is a double- edged sword. Specifically, when you fire it, it’s an edge that punches you in the palm and, mostly, the web of the hand like it hates you. I found the deeply curved grip to be a little extreme for my hand size and shape as well, with the back corner of the butt acting as a bit of a pressure point on my palm. Not completely uncomfortable, mind you, but not ideal for the sort of recoil I experienced.

At least the 1. 5 lb. Again, this isn’t a target shooting or plinking gun. Stout recoil isn’t something that would prevent me from carrying a Double. Tap for defensive purposes as a backup gun. While I only fired a few truly aimed shots on my first outing, I was pleased to find that I hit my targets (typically a 6”x. My initial impression was that it shoots decently straight through those 3- inch barrels, with the real trick being aligning the sights and keeping everything steady with a 1. Initial Problems: On my first range outing, every round I fired, from first to last, with three brands of ammo, caused the primer to bulge into the firing pin channel, locking up the gun.

In many cases it was impossible to open the action. The solution was pulling the trigger a few times and allowing the firing pin to beat the primer back down until the barrels would tilt up. I also had problems with spent brass and even live rounds sticking in the chambers so hard that I had to put a rod down the barrels and then slam the thing onto a hard surface to pop the case out the back. I expected a little bit of sticking, as the brass expands when fired and there is no ejection rod or other built- in tool to extract it, but this was something altogether different from the norm.

Although I went out to the woods intending to put at least 1. I stopped at about 2.

I was risking my safety. I also realized there was no way on God’s green earth that I was physically capable of putting 1. For the next couple of days my hand was slightly tender, but nothing bothersome. More on that later. A Call to Double. Tap and Another Range Visit: I called Double.

A Credit Card- Sized Gun That Fits Neatly Into Your Wallet. Here at Task & Purpose, we have a deep, abiding appreciation for all manners of firearms- related ingenuity, whether it’s the 1. MA Loader or the double- barreled pistol designed to resemble your average smartphone. But when it comes to combining gunsmithing with the logic of everyday carry, the Life. Card from North Carolina’s Trailblazer Firearms may take the cake. Watch Blind Man Online Flashx. The Life. Card. Touted as “the last gun you’ll leave behind,” the Life. Card is a single- shot, single- action .

Fashioned from lightweight anodized aluminum with a steel trigger and tilt- up barrel, the 7 oz. The Life. Card. With ammo storage for four rounds, Trailblazer hopes that the Life. Card — which, incapable of firing when folded, is in compliance with the National Firearms Act, according to Guns. Wild West or the turn- of- the- century Chicago palm pistol. Trailblazer Firearms fully intends to spearhead innovative new firearms products starting with the Life. Card, available later this month,” Trailblazer president Aaron Voight said in a statement. New designs and true innovation have been the exception and our goal is to be the pioneer laying new trails for gun enthusiasts, designers, and manufacturers.”  The Life.

Card. Yeah, sure, whatever — but how effective would this $4. The product is so new that reports from the urban battlefield haven’t hit the Internet yet. But as of this writing, not every gun enthusiast is convinced. Myself, I’m waiting till it comes in bone, with Cillian Braille lettering. Watch Cleaner Online Mic.