Yours, Mine And Ours Full Movie

Yours, Mine And Ours Full Movie Rating: 4,4/5 3062reviews

Blended': Film Review Hollywood Reporter. There are cellphones, one or two fleeting acknowledgments of same- sex couples, and other signs of the 2. Blended, but in essence the latest Adam Sandler movie is as old- school a family rom- com as Yours, Mine and Ours (either version). Embodying the same wholesomeness that has informed most of his screen work, gross- out comedies included, it feels like a tentative next step in Sandler’s evolving screen persona, one that has gone from good- hearted dolt to bumbling man- child to middle- aged father. The feature reunites the actor with Drew Barrymore and director Frank Coraci, who helmed the leads’ first pairing, The Wedding Singer, nearly 2.

As in that film and their last outing, 5. First Dates, Sandler and Barrymore display an onscreen connection that lends a grounding warmth to the clunkiest comedy setups — in this case, a narrative that places two single parents on an African vacation as second date. Unenthusiastic reviews aside, the lead duo will be a strong draw for audiences who aren’t keen on superhero action of the X- Men variety.

Yours, Mine And Ours Full MovieYours, Mine And Ours Full Movie

The movie opens with a blind date between the two main characters that’s a disaster not just for them but for the audience, every intended joke landing with a thud. Sporting- goods salesman Jim, a widower, and freelance closet organizer Lauren, recently divorced, are just getting back into the dating game.

Neither is trying especially hard when they get together at a Hooters — a seemingly damning choice of location for Jim, but one that screenwriters Ivan Menchell and Clare Sera later reveal to have sentimental meaning, without pushing the matter. PHOTOS: Comedians in Dramatic Roles. However awful Lauren and Jim’s first meeting, it’s clear that these devoted parents are meant for each other, as their matching minivans attest. Their next run- in, a second- chance meet- cute at a drugstore, clicks as comedy and insightful dramatic development. He’s there for his teen daughter, Hilary (Disney Channel star Bella Thorne), whom the sports- minded Jim treats like an athlete of no particular gender persuasion, complete with unflattering barbershop do. In a kind of parental symmetry, Lauren is at the store to replace a girly magazine that she impulsively destroyed after discovering it under the bed of her older son (Braxton Beckham). Barrymore is especially good at conveying her character’s entangled feminist disgust and humanist forgiveness.

That winning scene aside, Coraci indulges in a bit too much stateside setup before the action shifts to its main setting, the African continent — to be precise, a mildly adventurous South African resort that might be called Africa Land or Africa World, and which feels like being stuck on an overprogrammed cruise. Jim, Lauren and their broods share a super- fancy suite with a view — the result of semiconvincing plot contortions involving a dashed romantic getaway for Lauren’s child- averse business partner (Wendi Mc. Lendon- Covey). PHOTOS: 'That's My Boy' Premiere Draws Sandler, Spade .. Vanilla Ice. Antagonists though they may be, they’re smack in the middle of the resort’s annual celebration of the blended family, a “familymoon” event that’s designed with lots of activities for kids and romantic opportunities for grownups. Avoiding the latter, Lauren and Jim keep busy on the family- friendly front. Amid such shrill escapades as a balloon crash- landing over a rhinoceros, they very predictably mentor each other’s children: Jim coaches the baseball- challenged Tyler (Kyle Red Silverstein), and Lauren coaxes the frustrated Hilary into a glamorous makeover.

The kids, all well played, don’t interact as siblings; their main purpose is to represent facets of parenthood, both positive and negative. The action is by turns insistently sunny and mawkish. Jim’s alternately sweet and, in a bit of overdone shtick, demonic youngest daughter (Alyvia Alyn Lind) instigates a “What do you miss about Mommy?” conversation, and his middle girl (Emma Fuhrmann) — who has the honor of being named Espn, after the cable network — still communes with her mother, insisting on a place for her at the dinner table. Supporting roles are of the broadly drawn and mostly thankless sort.

Kevin Nealon plays a middle- aged vacationer who’s blind to the tension between his cleavage- heavy young wife (Jessica Lowe) and his teenage son (Zak Henri). As the resort social director Mfana, Abdoulaye N’gom must deliver some corny lines with conviction. Stateside, Shaquille O’Neal is called upon to do some belly- dancing as Jim’s coworker, while Joel Mc. Hale fills the role of Lauren’s ex, a self- involved no- show dad whose every move only emphasizes Jim’s goodness. An American Tail Full Movie Part 1.

The connect- the- dots proceedings get some much- needed punctuation — or interruption — from Terry Crews, who flexes (pectoral) muscle as the wide- eyed, ultra- exuberant lead singer of the resort’s Thathoo Harmony Group. Like all routines in the film, though, it repeats itself rather than venture into fresher and funnier territory. Coraci, whose past outings with Sandler include Click and The Waterboy, keeps things moving but rarely gets a comic pulse revving. The production, shot in Georgia and South Africa by Julio Macat, with colorful design contributions from Perry Andelin Blake and Christine Wada, is solid, the most striking images being brief footage of animals encountered on the families’ safari — by far the wildest element in this family- friendly adventure. Production companies: Gulfstream Pictures, Happy Madison.

Cast: Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Kevin Nealon, Terry Crews, Wendy Mc. Lendon- Covey, Bella Thorne, Joel Mc. Hale, Shaquille O’Neal, Braxton Beckham, Kyle Red Silverstein, Emma Fuhrmann, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Zak Henri. Director: Frank Coraci. Screenwriters: Ivan Menchell, Clare Sera.

Yours, Mine and Ours cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list of Yours, Mine and Ours actors includes any Yours, Mine and Ours actress. · The star of Bravo's new series Yours, Mine or Ours, Taylor Spellman, talks working with Ryan Serhant and which Real Housewife she wants to work with.

Yours, Mine And Ours Full Movie

This hit-and-miss comedy feels caught between old-school nostalgia and movie-persona growing pains on the part of Adam Sandler. TWITTER.

Yours, Mine And Ours Full Movie
  • Full List of Inventory 1/27/17. You can search for a specific title by using your computer or other device's search function. If you want a specific list (such as.
  • Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database.
  • Episode guide and scripts from Full House episodes.

Producers: Mike Karz, Adam Sandler, Jack Giarraputo. Executive producers: Barry Bernardi, Josie Rosen, Tim Herlihy, Allen Covert, Steve Koren, James Packer, Steven Mnuchin. Director of photography: Julio Macat.

Production designer: Perry Andelin Blake. Costume designer: Christine Wada. Editor: Tom Costain. Composer: Rupert Gregson- Williams. Rated PG- 1. 3, 1.

Yours, Mine and Ours (1. Yours, Mine and Ours is a 1.

Melville Shavelson and starring Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda and Van Johnson. Before its release, it had three other working titles: The Beardsley Story, Full House, and His, Hers, and Theirs. It was based loosely on the story of Frank and Helen Beardsley, although Desilu Productions bought the rights to the story long before Helen's autobiographical book Who Gets the Drumstick? Screenwriters Madelyn Pugh and Bob Carroll wrote several I Love Lucy- style stunts that in most cases had no basis in the actual lives of the Beardsley family, before Melville Shavelson and Mort Lachman took over primary writing duties. The film was commercially successful, and even the Beardsleys themselves appreciated it. Frank Beardsley is a Navy. Chief Warrant Officer, recently detached from the aircraft carrier.

USS Enterprise and assigned as project officer for the Fresnel lens glide- slope indicator, or "meatball," that would eventually become standard equipment on all carriers. Helen North is a civilian nurse working in the dispensary at NAS Alameda, the California U. S. Navy base to which Frank is assigned. Watch The 6Th Extinction Online Free 2016. Frank meets Helen, first by chance in the commissary on the base and again when Frank brings his distraught teen- age daughter for treatment at the dispensary, where Helen informs him that the young lady is simply growing up in a too- crowded house that lacks a mother's guidance.

They immediately hit it off and go on a date, all the while shying away from admitting their respective secrets: Frank has ten children and Helen has eight, from previous marriages ended by their spouses' deaths. When each finally learns the other's secret, they initially resist their mutual attraction.

But Chief Warrant Officer Darrell Harrison (Van Johnson) is determined to bring them together, so he "fixes up" each of them with a sure- to- be- incompatible blind date. Helen's date is an obstetrician (Sidney Miller) who stands a good head shorter than she ("Darrell had a malicious sense of humor," Helen observes in voice- over); Frank's date is a "hip" girl (Louise Troy) who is not only young enough to be his daughter, but is also far too forward for his taste. As the final touch, Harrison makes sure that both dates take place in the same Japanese restaurant. As Harrison fully expects, Frank and Helen end up leaving the restaurant together in his car, with Frank's date sitting uncomfortably between them as they carry on about their children. Frank and Helen continue to date regularly, and eventually he invites her to dinner in his home.

This nearly turns disastrous when Mike, Rusty, and Greg (Tim Matheson, Gil Rogers, and Gary Goetzman), Frank's three sons, mix hefty doses of gin, scotch, and vodka into Helen's drink. As a result, Helen's behavior turns wild and embarrassing, which Frank cannot comprehend until he catches his sons trying to conceal their laughter. The court of inquiry is now in session!" he declares, and gets the three to own up and apologize. After this, he announces his intention to marry Helen, adding, "And nobody put anything into my drink."Most of the children fight the union at first, regarding each other and their respective stepparents with suspicion. Eventually, however, the 1. Helen becomes pregnant. Further tension develops between young Philip North and his teacher at the parochial school that he attends: his teacher insists that he use his "legal" name, which remains North even after his mother marries Beardsley.

This prompts Helen and Frank to discuss cross- adopting each other's children, who (except for Philip) are aghast at the notion of "reburying" their deceased biological parents. The subsequent birth of Joseph John Beardsley finally unites the children, who agree unanimously to adoption under a common surname. The film ends with the eldest sibling, Mike Beardsley, going off to Camp Pendleton to begin his stint in the United States Marine Corps. Adult friends and relatives[edit]Van Johnson as CWO Darrell Harrison, USNWalter Brooke as Howard Beardsley (Frank's brother, who in this film temporarily "borrows" Germaine and Joan Beardsley after Frank's detachment from the Enterprise.)Nancy Howard as Nancy Beardsley (Frank's sister- in- law)Sidney Miller as Dr.

Ashford (Helen's date, an obstetrician who stands a good head shorter than she)Louise Troy as Madeleine Love (Frank's date, a "hip" girl young enough to be his daughter)Tom Bosley as a family doctor who makes a house call on the Beardsleys, and is also the consulting physician for the California. Draft Board when Mike Beardsley reports for a required physical exam.

Frank's children[edit]Tim Matheson as Mike (credited as "Tim Matthieson")Gil Rogers as Rusty. Gary Goetzman as Greg.

Nancy Roth as Rosemary. Morgan Brittany as Louise (Credited as "Suzanne Cupito")Holly O'Brien as Susan. Michele Tobin as Veronica. Maralee Foster as Mary. Tracy Nelson as Germaine. Stephanie Oliver as Joan. Helen's children[edit]Other acquaintances[edit]Teachers, officials, etc.[edit]Mary Gregory as Sister Mary Alice, who questions Philip's use of the Beardsley name.

Harry Holcombe as the judge who handles the grand mutual adoption. Frank's unsuccessful housekeepers[edit]Ysabel Mac. Closkey as Number One, who lasts less than a day. Pauline Hague as Number Two, aka "Mrs. Anderson." She lasts a week because she is hiding from the police. After a stint with the Beardsleys, she turns herself in. Marjorie Eaton as Number Three, aka "Mrs.

Ferguson," who famously says, "Mrs. Anderson was last week; I'm Mrs. Ferguson, and you can mail me my check!" She has the fight with Louise that precipitates Frank's second meeting with Helen. Reality versus film[edit]This film departs in several various ways from the actual lives of Frank and Helen Beardsley and their children. The names of Frank and Helen Beardsley and their children are real; the wedding invitation that appears midway through the film is the actual North- Beardsley wedding invitation. The career of Lieutenant Richard North USN is also described accurately, but briefly: specifically, he was a navigator on the crew of an A- 3 Skywarrior that crashed in a routine training flight, killing all aboard, exactly as Helen describes in the film. Frank Beardsley is described correctly as a Navy warrant officer.

The "loan- out" of the two youngest Beardsleys is also real, and indeed Michael, Charles ("Rusty"), and Gregory Beardsley were determined to see their father marry Helen North as a means of rectifying this situation. The movie correctly describes Frank Beardsley as applying his Navy mind- set to the daunting task of organizing such a large family (although the chart with the color- coded bathrooms and letter- coded bedrooms- -"I'm Eleven Red A!"—is likely a Hollywood exaggeration). Finally, Michael Beardsley did indeed serve a term in the Marines, as did Rusty.

The differences from what Helen Beardsley's book Who Gets the Drumstick? The film changes the ages and birth order of many of the children, and places some of the children, most notably Colleen and Philip North, into situations not mentioned in the book. For example, Colleen North is not mentioned in Beardsley's book as ever having a boyfriend who took inappropriate liberties with her. Contrary to the depiction in the film, Helen North and Frank Beardsley began their relationship by corresponding with each other in sympathy for their recent losses.