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Watch Girls Trip (2. Movie Online Free. Girls Trip ( 2. 01. Director: Malcolm D.

Lee. Stars : Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith. Genre : Comedy. IMDB Rating: 6. Watch Second Life Online.

Release: 2. 1 July 2. Girls Trip : - Watch Girls Trip on putlockerwatch. Girls Trip is an upcoming romantic comedy film directed by Malcolm D.
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Lee. The film stars Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Tiffany Haddish, Jada Pinkett Smith, Larenz Tate and Mike Colter and produced by Will Packer. The film is scheduled to be released on July 2. Universal Pictures. Watch The Night Crew Online Forbes. In February 2. 01.
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Universal announced that director Malcolm D. Lee and producer Will Packer would be collaborating on an upcoming film tentatively titled Girls Trip[7] with South Park writer Erica Rivinoja attached to write the script.[8] In May 2. Universal set a release date of August 1. It was also reported that Regina Hall would star in the film and Kenya Barris and Tracy Oliver were rewriting the script.[1. Queen Latifah and Jada Pinkett Smith joined the cast in early June 2. Larenz Tate joining the cast later that month.[1. The film’s release date was changed to July 2.
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