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Animal Rights Videos PETAInvestigations. Whether exposing the highly secretive ostrich- slaughter industry, animals' suffering at pet store dealers, dogs bludgeoned and killed for leather, bears beaten to perform tricks for the circus, or psychologically distressed baby monkeys, PETA never backs down when an animal needs help. Our investigative videos have been viewed millions of times and have resulted in victories for animals everywhere. Celebs ♥ PETABeginning in 1. The Go- Go's, PETA changed the face of celebrity activism. Using celebrity influence was nothing new, but having famous people literally expose themselves in the most vulnerable way created a campaign that was hard for both the media and the public to ignore. From our "Rather Go Naked" to "Ink, Not Mink" campaigns and from the sexy to the sweet, celebs everywhere use their voices and their bodies to help animals, and these videos show it all.
Rescues. PETA has helped rescue countless animals, large and small, from horrid conditions. In recent years, more than 5.

We've rescued hundreds of neglected dogs, cats, and other companion animals and are on the scene when natural disasters hit, helping reunite animals with their families. Watch these videos with a box of tissues nearby. NSFW/Banned Ads. If there's one thing PETA is no stranger to, it's spreading a cruelty- free message with sex appeal. Some ads deemed too racy for public consumption get banned, but lucky for you, we've got them right here. You might want to watch these on the sly. Recipes. Sometimes practical, sometimes over- the- top, PETA's recipe videos are the perfect resource when you can't decide what to make for dinner or just want to prove that there's a way to veganize anything.
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An easy mac 'n' "cheese" recipe? Got it. How about a meat- free corn dog wrapped in French fries? Yup, we've got that, too.#TBTWe had to dig into the vault for these, but they're worth it. Check out some old- school animal rights videos that show where we started and how far we've come.
When Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was published in 1962, the book became a phenomenon. A passionate and eloquent warning about the long-term dangers of pesticides. “I think we’d do better with a healer,” I suggested to my Overwatch team earlier this week. We were in the spawn room defending the Temple of Anubis and.