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Opacity. Opacity. What We Do Not See A Philosophical Notebook, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The mathematical version is here. Non philosophorum sed. NNT’s. Lindy Effect and Psychological Findings Psychology is undergoing a replication crisis; most of its research. Further, I've also shown in Silent Risk that many ideas.

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Some derivations (hot hand fallacy) are just mathematically. Some things (hyperbolic discounting, intransitity of.

Watch La Marche De L`Empereur Full Movie

Rational, it can be shown, is what allows those things that are. Here I surmise that everything that works. Lindy- proof, that is, have an. By classics we can define the Latin (& late Helenistic).

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Cicero, Seneca, M. Aurelius. Epictetus, Lucian, or the poets: Juvenal, Horace or the later French. La Rochefoucault, Vaugenargues, La Bruyere. Bossuet is a class on his own. One can use Montaigne and Erasmus as a portal to the ancients: Montaigne was the popularizer of his day. Utility Theory /Prospect Theory: Segnius. Livy's Annals (XXX, 2.

Men feel the good less intensely than the. Negative advice. Nimium boni est, cui hinil est mali Ennius , via Cicero. Hyperbolic discounting: 3asfour bil 2id a. Madness of Crowds: Nietzche: Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, parties, nations, it is the rule (this counts as ancient wisdom. Nietzsche was a classicist; I've seen many such references in Plato) Antifragility Cicero (Disp Tusc,II, 2.

When our souls are mollified, a bee can sting - See also Machiavelli. The Paradox of Progress/Choice (Lucretius): there. NY banker vacationing in Greece, talking to a. The fisherman. asked him what the benefits were; the banker answered that he could. NY and come back vacation in Greece; something. Greece. The story. Montaigne I, 4. 2: (my transl.) when King Pyrrhus tried to cross into.

Italy, Cynéas, his wise adviser, tried to make him feel the vanity of. To what end are you going into such enterprise?", he.

Pyrrhus answered: " to make myself the master of Italy". Cynéas. " and so?".

Pyrrhus: "to get to Gaul, then Spain". Cynéas: "Then?". Pyrrhus: " To conquer Africa, then .. Cynéas: " but. you are already there; why take more risks"? Montaigne then cites the.

Lucretius (V, 1. 43. Loss Aversion: Nearly. Seneca - Cognitive dissonance: Aesop - Overconfidence: Fiducia pecunias amici  "I lost money because of my excessive confidence", Erasmus citing Theognis, Epicharmus. Is Levantine "Arabic"? Not by any metric, no more than Italian is French.

Note: I spent part of my summer "vacation" of 2. Syriac at Beth Mardutho. Levantine. is a standalone Semitic language that is close to Aramaic. Arabic, has some Arabic influences (perhaps no more than Farsi. Turkish), and has inherited from it broken plurals but not its rich. Grammar remains non. Arabic. Many words that are in Arabic.

Aramaic happen to be in North- Phoenician (Ugaritic). Unlike genetics that has rigorous mathematical formulations and. Semitic. languages, unrigorous. Many people who are fluent and Levantine and.

Arabic fail to realize that the distance between the two is greater. French and. Romanian.. Slavic "languages" such as Ukranian and Polish are much. Levantine and Arabic. Same with. Scandinavian and Germanic languages. But there is a bias in believing.

Levantine and Arabic, that it is of. Arabic origin, never Aramaic or Canaanite - largely because of the.

Levantine languages. So Mar. 7aba is. deemed to be Arabic when it is in fact just Aramaic. Ana bi- Amioun is Levantine for. I am in Amioun". In Aramaic- Syriac (most versions) it would be "Ana.

Amioun". In Arabic "Innani fi- Amioun" (Arabs say "fi" in their. Jordanians who use North Arabian. Arabic comes from Aramaic).

Same with words that have hamze, i. Mayy in Levantine is water (as in Aramaic),  Ma. Arabic, etc.  (If Egyptians say "mayya", it is likely because they got it from the Aramaic which was Persian state language). But the "y" in Arabic can become a hamze/olaf: Yaduhu in Arabic is ido (Yad- > Eed) in both Syriac and Levantine. By Aramaic tongues I mean: Western Aramaic: Maaloula, Yerushalmi, and Eastern Aramaic: Syriac (Eastern and Western), Babili ( Babili and Yerushalmi are both Talmudic, but most of what we read is Babili), modern neo. Aramaic (Mandean), and the spoken Syro- Mesopotamian Turoyo (Central- Western Syriac), and Mesopotamian Swadaya(Eastern. Syriac). In Northern Lebanon we are inspired of Western Aramaic but.

Syriac words; the language like Hebrew retained. Canaanite shift, "Allah" becomes "Alloh", "Taleb" is pronounced. Tolib".  But unlike Eastern Aramaic where Sarah is "Saro" while. Sora".  (Incidentally, Taleb is present in Ugaritic/Phoenician). Levantine uses the French é sound  (the diacritical rboso) where Arabic has an "i" (kasra) or long i. Ghassén, etc.)When I trained in the Lebanese army the march (one- two- three) was in.

Syriac "7ad, Tr(n)en, Tlete, Arb. Wa. 7ad, Etnen, ..). Note the difference: mim in Arabic (beytohom) become noun in Aramaic. North Levantine (beyton, beytkon). Even Ibrahim becomes.

Brohin.  Same with grammar. The stucture is largely Aramaic. For instance, we.

Arabic the. verb is singular. It is foolish to think that a population will speak a language, say Aramaic, then suddenly, tabula rasa, switch to another one without bastardization. Traditional linguistics categorizes languages as independent variables. Y= a_1 X_1+a_2 X_2. So if. Levantine resembles Arabic, and Arabic resembles Aramaic, and Aramaic.

Canaanite/Hebrew, the tendendy is to believe that Levanine. Accordingly, simplified linguistics fail with Semitic languages because of. Semitic tongues than. Indo. European ones.

In English we know that what comes from Latin has no. Northern European sources, except for remote roots. An argument is that the dhad in Canaanite became a 3ayn (Eretz in.

Hebrew became Ar. Aramaic). So there was a shift that stayed in. Aramaic and Levantine use the Arabic dhad that does not have the shift.

Aramaic). But the argument is not strong: Arabs did not pronounce the dhad as modified tzadeh.  Verbs forms: Arabic has 1. Levantine and Aramaic have the same 4- 6 forms (depending on regions).

So it looks after deeper investigation that in fact except for. Arabic is what is. Aramaic and Arabic, or in both Arabic and Canaanite.  (Note that Syriac has broken plurals). I am preparing a linguistic note.. Which doesn't fit people. Arabism" is a political agenda. People in Syria and.

Lebanon are brainwashed to think that they are speaking "a dialect of". Arabic, when it is not even remotely true. More examples: "Zammar 3a l'kou. Levantine"Zammar 3a kou. Aramaic"Inshud 3al mun. Arabic. For A***le: "Bu. Levantine"Bu. 5sh tizo" Aramaic"Thaqb iliatihi" Arabic (or mu.

ARABIC    LEVANTINE( Beirut, Amioun)1s    Ana    Ana, ana. Anta    inta, int. Watch Throwdown Online Free HD more. Anti    inte, int. Huwa    huwwe, hu. Hiya    hiyye, hi.

Antuma    into, ont. Huma    hinne, hinn. Na. 7nu    ne. 7na, ne. Antum     into. 2fp    Antunna    into. Hum     hinne, hinn.

Hunna    hinne, hinn   ARABIC    LEVANTINE(long a, 2)    long eh. Syriac]2ms    ta.

ARABIC    Amioun                Beirut. Akaltu    Kilt                Akalt. Akalta    Kilt                Akalt. Akalti    Kilte                Akalte. Akala    Akol                Akal. Akalat    Aklet                Akalet.

Akaltuma    kelto                Akalto. Akalat    eklo                Akalo. Akalata    Aklo                Akalo. Akalna    kelna                Akalna.

Akaltum     Kelto                Akalto. Akaltunna    Kelto                Akalto. Watch Evening Online Hoyts. Akaltu    eklo                Akalto.

Akalna    eklo                Akalo. That Thing We Call Religion. The problem of the verbalistic (and the journalistic) is expressed in an aphorism earlier in the Incerto.

We saw that risk and tail risk are. IYI (intellectual yet. Two people can be using the same word, meaning different. But it is easy to trip them, as Socrates did, simply by asking. But, since Socrates. But we also have had many. People rarely mean the same thing when they say "religion", nor do.

For early Jews. and Muslims, religion was law. Din. means law in Hebrew and religion in Arabic. For early Jews, religion.

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