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A martial arts instructor from the police force gets imprisoned after killing a man by accident. But when a vicious killer starts targeting martial arts masters, the. Gun fu, a portmanteau of gun and kung fu, is a fictional style of sophisticated close-quarters gunplay resembling a martial arts battle played out with firearms.
Watch horror movies online for free. Full movies. Horror tapes as its name suggest is a genre of films which plays with an emotion known as horror or fear. What makes horror tapes so interesting is the fact that the sense of fear totally depends on the viewer. For some of us, it may be clowns or ghosts, but for some of us it could be serial killers or vicious looking animals. The plot of a horror movie often involves the intrusion of evil forces with the use of elements like Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, vicious animals, etc. Horror movies love playing with the terror of the unknown fear releases adrenaline in our bodies and the rush in addition to the suspense and the excitement created by the horror tapes results in them being.
The first horror film came in the form of silent shorts in the 1. Georges Mléiés, with some of his best work being “Le Manoir du Diable”, sometimes even credited as the first horror movie.
During the years of (1. Universal pictures began creating successful horror tapes like Dracula, Frankenstein, The mummy and many more. The horror movie genre is an ever- evolving movie kind with each new generation the plot of horror tapes have shifted a little.
During the 1. 97. Hollywood began to evolve, murder and violence which were then the main themes began to change to a more physiological and supernatural aspect of horror, and then to scary killer animals leading to tapes like, Jaws and Orca. The horror genre initially began as a Gothic style, usually set in spooky castles, dark areas, and with the main characters sharing a resemblance to vampires and grotesque creatures, began to introduce evil spirits, clowns and scary dolls as time moved on. After the launch of satellites there were many films focusing on alien invasions, and after nuclear power came into being, movies focusing on the destruction, mutilation and zombification of humans became a popular trend. When it comes to the genre horror, different parts of the globe have introduced different variations to the genre, depending on the taste of people, the fear- inducing characters of the horror films have changed. For example two countries like Japan and America; it is found that horror films in America tend to have different monsters when compared with the Japanese tapes.

Most Japanese films seem to focus greatly on the ghostly aspect as people in Japan believe that the ghost of a murdered victim is not likely to leave this world. However the main monsters in American films tend to be Aliens, Zombies, evil spirits, possessed people, and are more likely to promote scenes which are mostly bloody and tend to shock people, with films like, the conjuring and Annabelle. These differences are mainly due to the cultural influences of the two countries.
Gun fu - Wikipedia. Gun fu, a portmanteau of gun and kung fu, is a fictional style of sophisticated close- quarters gunplay resembling a martial arts battle played out with firearms instead of traditional weapons. It can be seen in Hong Kong action cinema[1] and in American films influenced by it, and may also be described by other terms, such as bullet ballet, Gun Kata, or gymnastic gunplay.[2]The focus of gun fu is both style and the usage of firearms in ways that they were not designed to be used. Shooting a gun from each hand (usually paired with jumping to the side at the same time), shots from behind the back, as well as the use of guns as melee weapons are all common. Other moves can involve shotguns, submachine guns, rocket launchers, and just about anything else that can be worked into a cinematic shot.
It is often mixed with hand- to- hand combat maneuvers."Gun fu" has become a staple factor in modern action films due to its visually appealing nature (regardless of its actual practicality in a real- life combat situation). This is a contrast to American action movies of the 1. Heroic bloodshed[edit]Director John Woo originated the style in the Hong Kong film. A Better Tomorrow in 1. The film launched the "heroic bloodshed" genre in Hong Kong, and "gun fu" action sequences became a regular feature in many of the subsequent heroic bloodshed films.
John Woo continued to make several classic heroic bloodshed films, all featuring gun fu, and all starring leading man Chow Yun- fat. Anthony Leong wrote of the gunfights in A Better Tomorrow,[3]“Before 1.
Hong Kong cinema was firmly rooted in two genres: the martial arts film and the comedy. Watch Jersey Boys Putlocker on this page. Gunplay was not terribly popular because audiences had considered it boring, compared to fancy kung- fu moves or graceful swordplay of the wu shu epics. What moviegoers needed was a new way to present gunplay—to show it as a skill that could be honed, integrating the acrobatics and grace of the traditional martial arts. And that's exactly what John Woo did.
Using all of the visual techniques available to him (tracking shots, dolly- ins, slo- mo), Woo created beautifully surrealistic action sequences that were a 'guilty pleasure' to watch. There is also intimacy found in the gunplay—typically, his protagonists and antagonists will have a profound understanding of one another and will meet face- to- face, in a tense Mexican standoff where they each point their weapons at one another and trade words.”Stephen Hunter, writing in The Washington Post wrote,[4]“Woo saw gunfights in musical terms: His primary conceit was the shootout as dance number, with great attention paid to choreography, the movement of both actors within the frame. He loved to send his shooters flying through the air in surprising ways, far more poetically than in any real- life scenario. He frequently diverted to slow motion and he specialized in shooting not merely to kill, but to riddle—his shooters often blast their opponents five and six times.”Other Hong Kong directors also began using gun fu sequences in films that were not strictly heroic bloodshed films, such as Wong Jing's God of Gamblers (1. There were several heroic bloodshed films that did not feature gun fu, but opted for more realistic combat, such as Ringo Lam's City on Fire (1. Spread to the US[edit]The popularity of John Woo's films, and the heroic bloodshed genre in general, in the U. S. helped give the gun fu style greater visibility.
One classic gun fu move consists of reloading two pistols simultaneously by releasing the empty magazines, pointing the guns to the ground, dropping two fresh magazines out of one's jacket sleeves, or strapped to one's legs, into the guns, and then carrying on shooting. In Equilibrium (2. Sense Crime" are trained in gun kata to gain an advantage in their raids on armed opponents. In the film Bulletproof Monk (2. The Monk With No Name (portrayed by Chow Yun- fat) empties two pistols, ejects the magazines and spins to kick the empty magazines at his assailants.
The style is also featured (albeit in a small way and with the assistance of gadgets) in the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movies. In Wanted (2. 00. The Fraternity possess the skill of "bending" bullets around obstacles; in a gunfight early in the film, one assassin knocks another bullet out of the air with his own round. In X- Men Origins: Wolverine (2.
Agent Zero (Daniel Henney) reloads his handguns by throwing them into the air and catching them with the magazines he's holding in his hands. In the 2. 01. 0 film Kick- Ass, the character Hit Girl, played by Chloë Grace Moretz, frequently uses gun fu. In the 2. 01. 2 film Django Unchained, the climactic shootout in Candieland is inspired by John Woo, replicating scenes from The Killer shot- by- shot. The 2. 01. 3 G. I.
Joe: Retaliation also featured gun fu in the climactic fight between Roadblock and Firefly. Gun fu is also featured heavily in the 2. John Wick and the 2. Kingsman: The Secret Service. Video games[edit]The Half- Life game modification "The Specialists" is one of the very few examples of multiplayer "Gun Fu".[citation needed] The mod features melee and gun combat, with encounters often resulting in frenzied exchanges involving both types of attack.
Dual- wielding weapons, slow motion, and advanced melee are popular features of the mod which still has a loyal following years after the final version was announced.[citation needed] Another Half- Life mod, "The Opera", is named after Hong Kong blood operas, and features akimbo- wielded handguns and stylized gunplay - players are awarded cash for stylish kills performed during flips, cartwheels, and other martial- arts inspired maneuvers."Gun fu" moves, closely tied with a slo- mo concept essential to their execution, appear in the video game Max Payne, along with dual- wielding various weapons, including semi- automatic pistols and machine pistols such as the Uzi and the Ingram. MAC- 1. 0. The game, itself heavily influenced by Hong Kong action cinema, arguably signified the advent of extensive slo- mo as an interactive device in videogames.[citation needed]Shadow Hearts: From the New World features a character, Natan, whose special skill is labeled "Gun Fu" and is designed to resemble the martial art. Dante, from the Devil May Cry series, employs "gun fu" using a variety of firearms, the wielding of dual pistols being his trademark. In 2. 00. 7, Stranglehold, a game sequel to John Woo's cult film Hard Boiled, was released, which featured the protagonist Police Inspector Tequila on another blood driven conquest.
Noel Vermillion from the fighting game Blaz. Blue also uses Gun Kata with her two Nox Nyctores pistols, called Arcus Diabolus Bolverk.
In 2. 00. 9, Cryptic Studios released Champions Online which features a Munitions character class with skills involving dual- wielding pistols; many of the powers combine firing with martial arts, including a power called "Bullet Ballet" and a high level ability called "Lead Tempest". The similar game City of Heroes incorporated a Dual Pistols power set in the expansion pack, Going Rogue, which involves switching between ammunition types mid- combat and various trick shots. Watch New York, I Love You HD 1080P. Wet, a grindhouse- inspired,[5] Tarantino- esque shooter action game, was also released in 2. Rubi Malone, the main player character, carries an assortment of weapons, including twin pistols, dual shotguns, and submachine guns, and if the player fires these guns while acrobatically jumping through the air, sliding on the ground, or running on a wall, then the game will slow down into bullet- time.
Performing successive kills while in this bullet- time state increases Rubi's health regeneration rate and the player's points score, which is used to purchase upgrades. The titular character in the video game Bayonetta features combat resembling Gun fu. In addition to hand- held pistols, the character has pistols built into the high heels of her boots.