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  1. This is fatal girl/girl combat whether with swords, knives, guns, lasers or even bare hands.
  2. Fair rides or “mobile rides,” the simple kind that travel from town to town, have a reputation for being a little sketchy. But are they really any more dangerous.

There’s no need to make a big deal about leaving every gathering you attend. Just leave—it’s fine. Last week, the entire Lifehacker staff convened in New York.

Watch He`S Way More Famous Than You Mediafire

In Praise of the Irish Goodbye. There’s no need to make a big deal about leaving every gathering you attend. Just leave—it’s fine. Last week, the entire Lifehacker staff convened in New York City. Our writers traveled from all…Read more Read. What Is an Irish Goodbye?

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Watch He`S Way More Famous Than You Mediafire

The “Irish goodbye” or “French exit”—not be confused with “ghosting”—is the act of leaving an event without actually telling everyone that you’re leaving. You just go. Sound rude?

It’s not. To understand the Irish goodbye, you have to understand why it came to be. As Cahir O’Doherty explains at Irish Central, Irish goodbyes are simply the opposite of “Irish welcomes.” You see, the Irish are famous for being extremely hospitable. So hospitable, in fact, it can be a bit overwhelming.

You’re offered something to drink, something to eat, and constantly being taken care of. This kind of hospitality translates to an extremely long farewell, like this example: “Are you leaving us?

Ah, you’re leaving us. Would you like a cup of tea? Would you like a biscuit? There are leftovers. I have Tupperware and tinfoil, sure we’ll put it in that. It’s no trouble. And a custard cream.

We’ll put it in the bag, sure. Watch Slightly Single In L.A. Online Etonline there. No, we’ll put it in your pocket. Say nothing. And take this and this and this and this and this and this and this. And let me hold your coat.

Is this your coat? Is this – or this – or this – or this – or this – or this your coat? Watch Escape From Planet Earth Putlocker#. Look- it, it’s raining. Stay until it stops raining. I am not letting you go and it’s raining..”So, when you think about it, Irish goodbyes aren’t rude—they’re actually pretty considerate. You’re sparing your host the trouble of giving you a long farewell, you’re not interrupting people’s conversations with an egotistical “Goodbye everyone!

Stop what you’re doing and look at me!”, and you avoid wasting anyone’s time making plans you’ll never follow through with. Besides, nobody cares if you leave. The party will go on without you. Making plans is hard, especially when you’re making them with a chronic flaker.

There are ways to…Read more Read. How to Do an Irish Goodbye Properly. While Irish goodbyes aren’t inherently rude, you still have to do them right. Some scenarios aren’t meant for the Irish goodbye, for example.

They’re best used for exiting parties, and perhaps some work events, but probably not when you’re visiting grandma or having an intimate dinner with friends. Here’s how to do it: Plan ahead, if you can: If you know you’ll be pulling an Irish goodbye, think about your exit strategy. Don’t bring anything you’ll need to retrieve before you leave, like coats, plates, games, etc.

And make sure you pay your tab first. Don’t stick anyone else with the bill. Pick an exit: When you’re ready to go, look for a route that’s out of the way and won’t draw attention. Let someone know: You don’t have to completely disappear for this to work. It’s okay to tell a close friend you’re taking off so no one starts to worry about you. A text works too. Ninja vanish: Disappear into the night and make your way home (or wherever it is you’re headed).

If that all still feels too impolite for your tastes, you can always send a thank you email or text the next day. Or make your exit, then send a text once you’ve gone. They’ll understand, trust me. And if someone sends you a “Where r u?” text, be nice and respond. And that’s it! The Irish goodbye is easy as pie.

Now, if you’ll excuse me.. Watch Staten Island Online Mic on this page.

Are Fair Rides More Dangerous Than Amusement Park Rides? Fair rides or “mobile rides,” the simple kind that travel from town to town, have a reputation for being a little sketchy. But are they really any more dangerous than the rides you’d find in a year- round amusement park? Theme parks can be a portal to worlds of thrills and excitement, but if you're not properly…Read more Read. Last week, a ride called “Fire Ball” malfunctioned, killing one and injuring seven at the Ohio State Fair.

Ride inspectors said nothing looked out of the ordinary during inspections, making the event a cause for concern. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, however, and it won’t be the last. In fact, thousands of people are injured on amusement rides every year.

One study, from the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics, found that over 4,4. And more than 7. 0% of those injuries occur during the summer months when amusement parks are jam- packed and fairs are in town. In the months of May through September, roughly 2. A report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)—who has jurisdiction over mobile rides—for the years of 1. In 1. 99. 9, for example, fixed rides saw about 7,0. But considering the fact mobile rides are only around during the summer months, or less than half the year, it seems they’re at least just as dangerous—if not more so. As simple as they are, carnival games can be some of the most expensive fun you can have.

If you…Read more Read. Fortunately, whether you’re on a fixed ride or a mobile ride, fatalities seem to be rare. The CPSC suggests there are around 4.

When it comes to roller coasters, what many consider to be scariest of rides, deaths are rare as well. One study, published in the journal Injury Prevention, found they kill about four people every year—with more than a 1/4 of those deaths involving employees. And most rider deaths were caused by medical conditions caused or exacerbated by the coaster ride itself. Scott Wolfson, a spokesman for the CPSC, told CNN that it’s tough for them to oversee every fair around the country, especially when so many of them only set up for a short period of time. That could mean some fairs may not get the same amount of safety oversight, possibly making the rides there more sketchy than usual. So, for that reason, mobile fair rides may be a little bit more dangerous than fixed amusement park rides, but not by a whole lot. Freak accidents happen, and when you or your child climbs onto a rickety, twirly, thingamajig operated by a guy named Rad, you’re accepting that possibility.