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Kim Tae- Hee - Asian. Wiki. User Rating. Current user rating: 8. You need to enable Java. Script to vote. Profile. Name Kim Tae- Hee.

Birthdate: March 2. Birthplace: Ulsan, South Korea. Family: Rain (husband), Lee Wan (younger brother). Biography. Kim Tae- Hee was born on March 2. Ulsan, South Korea.

Her immediate family consists of her parents, one older sister and one younger brother. Kim Tae- Hee's younger brother Lee Wan is also an actor. Kim Tae- Hee, known for her beauty, actually grew up as a tough young girl. In an interview on MBC TV variety program "Yoo Jae- seok & Kim Won- Hee's Come to Play," on September 1. Kim Tae- Hee stated she wasn't talkative as a young child, but fought physically with her younger brother and other boys in the neighborhood.

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In another interview on KBS2 TV show "The Park Joong- Hoon Show," Kim Tae- Hee stated she frequently broke glass windows and often beat up her younger brother Lee Wan as a child.[1]Even though Kim Tae- Hee grew up as a tough child, she received perfect scores in all of her classes throughout middle school and was also very popular with the male students. MBC cable TV program "Star Secret" discovered these facts when they pulled up her school records and also learned male students in one of Kim Tae- Hee's high school gym classes would often stand next to the window to see her and scream out her name.[2]In high school, Kim Tae- Hee picked up the quirky nickname "Headbanger". This nickname came about because she would often study late into the night and in class would nearly drift off into sleep and then quickly snap out of it, resulting in her head making a headbanger motion - popular with heavy metal music fans.[3]Kim Tae- Hee then entered Seoul National University, often mentioned as South Korea's most prestigious and most difficult to enter university, to major in fashion design.

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The reason she chose this major was that she admired other people who did creative work. During her college days, she was first asked to model for an ad designer who spotted her in the subway station. At this time, Kim Tae- Hee wasn't sure what she would do after college so she decided to take up the modeling work as a part- time job.[4]In 2. Kim Tae- Hee was 2. White" (a brand of maxi- pads). She quickly turned into a CF blue chip.[5]Kim Tae- Hee would then make her acting debut in the 2. Last Present". In the movie, Kim Tae- Hee played the middle- school aged version of Lee Young- Ae's main female character Park Jung- Yeon.

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One year later, she became popular enough to land leading roles in 2. SBS TV dramas "Screen," "Stairway to Heaven" & "A Problem at My Younger Brother's House.". Kim Tae- Hee became known for her beauty and graduating from Seoul National University. Nevertheless, her acting ability drew frequent criticisms from critics and the public. Some considered her to be the top CF star, but not a serious actress.

The criticisms did hurt Kim Tae- Hee personally and made her insecure about her acting abilities. By 2. 00. 8, Kim Tae- Hee took a one year break from acting. In 2. 00. 9, Kim Tae- Hee made her return to acting in the KBS2 blockbuster action drama "IRIS." Initial reaction to her acting was muted, but began getting better reviews as the series went on. Ratings for "IRIS" averaged 3. South Korea at the time, and the show would go on to become hit across Asia. In an interview with Kim Tae- Hee, she mentioned "IRIS" director Yang Yun- Ho made a comfortable environment for her to act and, through frequent rehearsal, made her understand her character's emotions.

Kim Tae- Hee believes "IRIS" marked a turning point in her acting career.[6]After the drama "IRIS," director Yang Yun- Ho suggested to her to take the female lead in his next movie "Grand Prix." Kim Tae- Hee would play a female horse jockey and this served to be a problem, because she was afraid of riding horses. As filming went on, she became to enjoy riding horses. But there was also other difficulties in the filming process. Lead actor Lee Jun- Ki dropped out of the film, after one month of filming, due to his required military enlistment.

Actor Yang Dong- Kun was then selected as his replacement. Commercially at least, "Grand Prix" turned out to be a disappointment. The movie opened #9 during the busy Chuseok holiday weekend and would go on to sell only 1. In the second half of 2. Kim Tae- Hee chose the part of Lee- Sul in the SBS drama "My Princess".

In an interview with 1. Asiae, she mentioned that she likes childish things and likes to imagine about girlish romantic imagery.

This is what drew her to the part of Lee- Sul in "My Princess."[7]On KBS2 TV show "The Park Joong- Hoon Show,", Kim Tae- Hee also mentioned about rumors that she would marry the son of a Chaebol family. At first, Kim Tae- Hee ignored the rumors and believed the public would also. But, the rumors became more insistent and exaggerated and eventually caused Kim Tae- Hee's management company to sue netizens who spread the false rumors.[8]Notes.

Rain and Kim Tae- Hee announce that they will marry on January 1. Tales From The Darkside: The Movie Full Movie In English. Movies. Drama Series. Awards. References"배우 김태희 "어린시절 유리창 매일 깰정도로 터프했다"""Hankyung," "January 5, 2.

Hankyung," "December 8, 2. VOP," "December 1. Newsen," "September 2. CF 여왕’김태희 연기에 대한 욕심 드러내다" "Dong. A," "June 2. 00. 9". Joins. MSN," "December 1.

Watch Heartless Hindi Full Movie

Asia," "September 9, 2. Kyungje Today," "January 5, 2.