Mercury Plains Full Movie Part 1

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Selena & Debby: Rape of the Starlets: Part 1. Title: Selena & Debby: Rape of the Starlets: Part 1. By: Vile. 8r. Story Codes: M+F; nc; rape; anal; drugs; oral; first; viol. Celebs: Selena Gomez and Debby Ryan.

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Mercury Plains Full Movie Part 1

WARNING!    You must be 1. If you do not like such stories, please stop reading. This story is all fiction.  If you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. The people who commit rape are despised everywhere. No one is being hurt, and this is pure fantasy.

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Any similarities to real people, places or situations is purely coincidental and not intended! This story is a work of fantasy fiction concerning the gang rape of two very popular Hollywood starlets, Selena Gomez and Debby Ryan. I hope you all enjoy it. As I said, it is a work of fiction.

Any resemblances to real people, places or situations are purely coincidental. In no way do I condone the actual rape or sexual molestation of any Hollywood celebrity in real life. It was an exciting day at Five Star Productions. The set of the popular morning talk show, “Morning with Megan”, was a bustle of activity. The producers of the show had managed to book two very special guests, teen celebrities Selena Gomez and Debby Ryan. The show’s host, Megan Portland, was elated. Her syndicated morning talk show had been struggling in the ratings as of late.

Landing an interview with the two teen sensations would give her show a boost it badly needed. It was interesting the way it had all transpired. All week, Megan had been doing a feature on the growing problems of teen sex and pregnancy. She knew Selena Gomez was a big advocate for teen abstinence. It was well publicized that she wore a “promise ring” that signified her commitment to abstaining from sex until marriage. Selena Gomez’ publicist just happened to be a close friend with one of Megan Portland’s producers. Knowing it was a long shot, Megan got the producer to ask the publicist if Selena would be interested in appearing on her show.

Mercury Plains Full Movie Part 1

She was hoping it would deliver a powerful message to teen girls by seeing a big star like Selena Gomez promoting teen abstinence. Selena not only said she would be happy to do it, she asked if a friend of hers could appear along with her. The friend was Debby Ryan, from the Disney Channel shows, ‘Suite Life on Deck’ and ‘Jessie’. A rising star in Hollywood, she was working with Selena on a new movie.

She too was very committed to teen abstinence. Of course, Megan said yes. Now today, the 3.

Manny Vasquez and Todd Zucker stood backstage, leaning against a wall and drinking coffee. The two friends worked at Five Star Productions as ‘gofers’, TV studio lingo for basically what you would call ‘labourers’. They helped the camera operators and the lighting and sound technicians. Briefly, they did all the little menial tasks and errands that no one else wanted to do. The pay was not great. However, for Manny and Todd, it was a great job.

Manny liked the job for all the ‘fringe benefits’ as he called them. He liked all the attractive young women that worked at the studio and seeing some of the even hotter guests that often appeared on the show.

Manny was of Mexican descent and stood about five feet ten inches. He weighed around 1. His white t- shirt showed off his strong arms and solid chest. He had short black hair and a black moustache and goatee. Tattoos covered his forearms. He was 3. 2 years old.

Todd was the same age. He was had grown up on a farm in Nebraska. A little shorter than Manny, he was five feet eight inches tall. He weighed a bit more too, pushing 2.

In high school, he had played many sports and had been quite athletic. He still had a fit physique but a beer gut was developing.

He had straight brown hair with a receding hairline and a couple days’ worth of stubble. Todd too, enjoyed the ‘fringe benefits’ of their job. You see, unbeknownst to Megan, both were paroled sex offenders who had spent time in prison for violent rape. Watch Infection: The Invasion Begins IMDB.

The two men had met in prison and had instantly hit it off as they told stories of their past exploits. After release, they had needed to find jobs as a condition of their parole. Manny’s cousin, Rodrigo worked at the studio as a carpenter. He pulled a few strings and managed to get them hired without them having to submit a compulsory criminal background check. Although the two of them were on probation, they still had a bit of fun every now and then. Every weekend they went ‘trolling’ for girls and young women on the streets of Los Angeles in Manny’s beat- up old van. It was dangerous but the thrill of the hunt and the exhilaration and excitement when they did catch some prey, made all the risk worthwhile.

They looked up as Megan came walking past. She stopped in front of the two men.“Manny and Todd, what the hell are you doing?” she demanded.“Hey, we’re having a coffee,” Manny explained as he shrugged his shoulders.“Is the green room ready for Selena and Debby?” she asked. The fridge needs to be stocked with bottled water and juice and there should be a bowl of fresh fruit on the table.”“Yeah, yeah, it’s all ready to go,” said Manny. Quit ridin’ our asses!”“These are very important guests we’re having, you two idiots,” the tall blonde woman snapped. I want everything, and I mean everything, perfect! Now find something to do. I don’t pay you to stand around and drink coffee.”She stomped off to berate a couple lighting technicians.

Megan Portland was their boss but as far as Manny and Todd were concerned, she was just a typical blonde Hollywood bimbo. Megan was a former beauty queen, married to a popular NFL quarterback and the mother of two children. After her beauty queen days, she had pursued a career in television journalism. She started out as a reporter and eventually worked her way up the ladder to news anchor on Channel 7 News. She held that spot for six years until the station asked her to begin hosting a local morning talk show. After turning it into one of the most popular local shows in L.

A., Megan decided to strike out on her own. She managed to get a syndication deal with Five Star Productions hosting her own show, “Mornings with Megan”, being broadcast in about 5.

United States. However, to Manny and Todd, she was just a rich white bitch who signed their paycheques. Seeing her strut around the studio in her short skirts and high heels with her platinum blonde hair and long legs, she was just a high- priced Hollywood whore in their view. Manny smiled to himself. Megan Portland would shit herself if she knew all the things he had done to women and all the things he wanted to do to her. Someday, Manny thought to himself, someday. For now, Manny and Todd were quite excited about the arrival at the studio of the two young starlets.

They both considered Selena Gomez and Debby Ryan to be major hotties! Their pictures were all over the internet and on the covers of magazines. Manny and Todd watched their TV shows on the Disney Channel. Yeah, it was a channel for kids and teenyboppers but they didn’t care. They liked to watch Disney Channel for the ‘young cunt’ as they called it. To have the opportunity to see these two young celebrities up close was going to be the chance of a lifetime, even if they were almost old enough to be the girls’ fathers. Manny and Todd liked the ‘young ones’.

They heard a commotion near the main entrance leading into the studio.